Thursday, October 16, 2008

Barring Something Astronomical, This One's Over

One, two, three strikes and you're out, as they say. These debates were McCain's last hope and he couldn't pull it off.

Well, one upside for those of us of the Republican stripe is that a Democratic sweep will remind middle-of-the-road voters that Democrats have their problems, too. It will be very interesting to see some of the stuff these guys try to push through in the early days of 2009. A little scary, too, from an economic perspective. Card-check anyone?

I'm (more or less) an employment lawyer by trade, so things are officially looking up for me. As for the rest of you, the ones out there who actually produce goods and services people want to use and enjoy, not to mention those who pay those people who actually produce goods and services people want to use and enjoy, as well as those who provide the capital for the people who pay those people who produce the goods and services people want to use and enjoy, well, good luck with that.

UPDATE: The Gallup "shock" poll, showing McCain only two points behind, was released a few hours after this post. That's helpful. In truth, I do think this is a lot closer than we're supposed to believe it is, but the pessimistic side of me usually wins the day on these sorts of things.